1 Dismissed Announcement

Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Season lasts from June 1st through November 30th. To help ensure residents are equipped to handle the season, the Town of Melbourne Beach and Brevard County want to ensure as much preparedness information as possible is made available.


Local Alerts

Prior to the height of hurricane season, Melbourne Beach residents are encouraged to sign up for our local emergency alert systems. Click the links below to be directed to the registration process for each alert system.

  • Nixle Emergency Alert System is used by our local Town of Melbourne Beach to send out email notices to the public.
  • CodeRED Emergency Alert System is used by the City of Melbourne*. It is put into action when needed to send emergency messages by phone, text, and email. These messages are sent for large-scale precautionary boil water notices that can be caused by major water line breaks. *The City of Melbourne provides water and utilities to the residents of the Town of Melbourne Beach. 
  • AlertBrevard is used by Brevard County Emergency Management, Utilities, and Fire Rescue to notify businesses and residents for public safety purposes such as hazardous materials incidents, wildfires threatening homes, boil water notices, and other emergency situations. The calls will provide specific instructions for people to follow in order to keep themselves and others safe.


Steps To Take Now

  • Remove dead tree limbs, branches, and palm fronds from trees.
  • Trim trees back if needed.
  • Avoid trash buildup and yard debris that could get caught up in high winds and inflict injury to people or damage property. This sort of debris could also get caught up in storm drains and canals and increase the potential for flooding.
  • Check fencing. Perform regular maintenance and check for loose or weak boards to replace as necessary. If your fence is very old, it could be rotten or unstable and could cause major damage if ripped from the ground in high winds.
  • Loose objects like lawn decorations or deck furniture can be easily blown around the yard and become dangerous during a storm, be sure to remove any objects that aren't secured into the ground if a hurricane is coming.


Preparation Before the Storm


Hurricane Preparation Kit

A disaster supply kit is a collection of essential items your household may need in the event of an emergency. Assemble your kit, and review it annually. If you evacuate, take your kit with you.

Click here for steps to build a disaster supply kit.


Flood Protection & Assistance

In the event of flooding, here are some helpful links as to how to mitigate damage:


Additional Helpful Sites