Town Manager

Duties & Responsibilities

The Town Manager is appointed by the Town Commission on the basis of their executive and administrative qualifications. The Town Manager shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Town, and shall be directly responsible to the Commission for all Town affairs placed in their charge by the Charter or by ordinance or resolution.

The Town Manager when necessary shall appoint, suspend, demote or dismiss any Town employee under their jurisdiction in accordance with the law and the personnel rules, and may authorize any Department Head to exercise these powers with the respect to subordinates in that department. The Town Manager shall direct and supervise the administration of all departments of the Town except the Town Attorney, and shall attend all Commission meetings unless excused by the Commission, and shall have the right to take part in discussions, but not vote.

The Town Manager shall see that all laws, Charter provisions, ordinances, resolutions, and other acts of the Commission subject to enforcement are faithfully executed. The Town Manager shall also prepare and submit the annual budget, budget message, and capital program to the commission, and shall keep the Commission fully advised as to the financial condition and future needs of the Town, and shall be responsible for adhering to the approved budget. The Town Manager shall make such recommendations to the Commission concerning the affairs of the Town as deemed advisable.

The Town Manager shall endorse all instruments in writing in which the Town is interested, sign Town checks as authorized by the Town Commission, and execute contracts on behalf of the Town, unless the Commission shall otherwise provide. The Town Manager shall by letter designate an Acting Town Manager to exercise their powers and perform their duties during temporary absences or disability of the Town Manager. The Commission may revoke such designation at any time and appoint another eligible person to serve as Acting Town Manager.